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Lucas W

Had an amazing chat with John 😊 We exchanged some interesting resources and talked about the importance to understand the value of a designer. Would stay in touch and excited to talk again soon!


John is a fantastic instructor, providing concise feedback and opportunities for students to grow as designers. Whether you're new to UX or have experience, the course will provide you with valuable design thinking strategies, allowing you to forge your own project path and choose your own adventure.

Lisa Kwon

This incredible environment for learning, growth, and thriving can be attributed to John. His wisdom, experience, and consistent personalized attention to each individual's strengths and potential will remind you of that favorite teacher who genuinely believed in you.


I applied these skills at work, and my project's demo got great feedback. It introduced design thinking to my company, and I was asked to present my work to the top executives. As a Product Designer, I got promoted to Design Lead. It's proof that learning new skills can lead to exciting opportunities.

Mia T

Hey John, I followed the exact things you mentioned last time and I passed the portfolio round! I was quite surprised actually, but those feedback were life-savin


John is an amazing mentor! He listened carefully and provided very constructive feedback with actionable next steps for future improvements. It's great talking with him and hope we can have more time to talk!

Lucas W

Had an amazing chat with John 😊 We exchanged some interesting resources and talked about the importance to understand the value of a designer. Would stay in touch and excited to talk again soon!


John is a fantastic instructor, providing concise feedback and opportunities for students to grow as designers. Whether you're new to UX or have experience, the course will provide you with valuable design thinking strategies, allowing you to forge your own project path and choose your own adventure.

Lisa Kwon

This incredible environment for learning, growth, and thriving can be attributed to John. His wisdom, experience, and consistent personalized attention to each individual's strengths and potential will remind you of that favorite teacher who genuinely believed in you.


I applied these skills at work, and my project's demo got great feedback. It introduced design thinking to my company, and I was asked to present my work to the top executives. As a Product Designer, I got promoted to Design Lead. It's proof that learning new skills can lead to exciting opportunities.

Mia T

Hey John, I followed the exact things you mentioned last time and I passed the portfolio round! I was quite surprised actually, but those feedback were life-savin


John is an amazing mentor! He listened carefully and provided very constructive feedback with actionable next steps for future improvements. It's great talking with him and hope we can have more time to talk!

Lucas W

Had an amazing chat with John 😊 We exchanged some interesting resources and talked about the importance to understand the value of a designer. Would stay in touch and excited to talk again soon!


John is a fantastic instructor, providing concise feedback and opportunities for students to grow as designers. Whether you're new to UX or have experience, the course will provide you with valuable design thinking strategies, allowing you to forge your own project path and choose your own adventure.

Lisa Kwon

This incredible environment for learning, growth, and thriving can be attributed to John. His wisdom, experience, and consistent personalized attention to each individual's strengths and potential will remind you of that favorite teacher who genuinely believed in you.


I applied these skills at work, and my project's demo got great feedback. It introduced design thinking to my company, and I was asked to present my work to the top executives. As a Product Designer, I got promoted to Design Lead. It's proof that learning new skills can lead to exciting opportunities.

Mia T

Hey John, I followed the exact things you mentioned last time and I passed the portfolio round! I was quite surprised actually, but those feedback were life-savin


John is an amazing mentor! He listened carefully and provided very constructive feedback with actionable next steps for future improvements. It's great talking with him and hope we can have more time to talk!

Lucas W

Had an amazing chat with John 😊 We exchanged some interesting resources and talked about the importance to understand the value of a designer. Would stay in touch and excited to talk again soon!


John is a fantastic instructor, providing concise feedback and opportunities for students to grow as designers. Whether you're new to UX or have experience, the course will provide you with valuable design thinking strategies, allowing you to forge your own project path and choose your own adventure.

Lisa Kwon

This incredible environment for learning, growth, and thriving can be attributed to John. His wisdom, experience, and consistent personalized attention to each individual's strengths and potential will remind you of that favorite teacher who genuinely believed in you.


I applied these skills at work, and my project's demo got great feedback. It introduced design thinking to my company, and I was asked to present my work to the top executives. As a Product Designer, I got promoted to Design Lead. It's proof that learning new skills can lead to exciting opportunities.

Mia T

Hey John, I followed the exact things you mentioned last time and I passed the portfolio round! I was quite surprised actually, but those feedback were life-savin


John is an amazing mentor! He listened carefully and provided very constructive feedback with actionable next steps for future improvements. It's great talking with him and hope we can have more time to talk!

Lucas W

Had an amazing chat with John 😊 We exchanged some interesting resources and talked about the importance to understand the value of a designer. Would stay in touch and excited to talk again soon!


John is a fantastic instructor, providing concise feedback and opportunities for students to grow as designers. Whether you're new to UX or have experience, the course will provide you with valuable design thinking strategies, allowing you to forge your own project path and choose your own adventure.

Lisa Kwon

This incredible environment for learning, growth, and thriving can be attributed to John. His wisdom, experience, and consistent personalized attention to each individual's strengths and potential will remind you of that favorite teacher who genuinely believed in you.


I applied these skills at work, and my project's demo got great feedback. It introduced design thinking to my company, and I was asked to present my work to the top executives. As a Product Designer, I got promoted to Design Lead. It's proof that learning new skills can lead to exciting opportunities.

Mia T

Hey John, I followed the exact things you mentioned last time and I passed the portfolio round! I was quite surprised actually, but those feedback were life-savin


John is an amazing mentor! He listened carefully and provided very constructive feedback with actionable next steps for future improvements. It's great talking with him and hope we can have more time to talk!

Proudly Built In Framer

Created by Hamza Ehsan

Proudly Built In Framer

Created by Hamza Ehsan